How to set-up your DJFree DJProfile


  1. After you have created your DonnaJobs DJFree Account (read How to Create a DJFree Account), login.
  2. From your control panel (dashboard) access the DJProfile by clicking on "Your Name" which is located on the left side of the Dashboard Menu or by clicking on DJProfile >> My Profile.
  3. You are now in your DJProfile. As you can see, this area shows all your information: some are public and visible to everyone, others are private and visible only to you.
  4. To Complete/Edit/Update your DJProfile click on DJProfile >> Edit Profile (read How to Complete/Edit/Update the DJFree's DJProfile).

For privacy protection, some fields are public, others hidden. DonnaJobs strongly advises against making public every personal detail for the total protection of your data. Therefore, in the Description (About Me), in your DJProfile Image or Cover Image or any other public section do not include your full name, contact details, business card, data banking or other information that goes against DonnaJobs Terms & Conditions or DJProfile Guidelines.

Your data will be provided only at a later time only and solely to the buyer who has purchased your DJServices or has hired you for their DJProjects. 


If you need help and you can't find what you're looking for in these guides, you can contact the Support Team by opening a ticket on topics such as your account, DJProject, DJService, Transactions, and Currencies, etc. or write an email to



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