Guest means an unregistered user of DonnaJobs.
User means any registered person who uses DonnaJobs.
User Account is a person who registers on the DonnaJobs platform by providing username, email, password and other data, which may vary in relation to the profile chosen during registration (DJBuyer or DJFree), to use the services offered by DonnaJobs.
DJFree means a person, a female freelancer, selling services to a DJBuyer via DonnaJobs.
DJBuyer means a person or a company, buying services from a DJFree on DonnaJobs.
DJProfile it is the place that collects all the user information, which may be different based on the profile chosen during registration, including their portfolio and their evaluation. Some information is public and is shown to the DonnaJobs community, others are strictly private and have administrative purposes and to regulate the relationship between the user and DonnaJobs.
DJService means a pre-packaged service, which is offered on DonnaJobs by a DJFree for a fixed price and delivered within fixed timescales.
DJProject means a time-limited proposal posted by a DJBuyer via the "Post DJProject" form for which DJFree(s) are able to submit public or anonymous entries (DJBid). The work commences with the choice of the DJBuyer of a proposal and the acceptance of the same by the DJFree.
DJTrusted Member is a registered user who has verified his/her identity by providing the necessary documentation for verification.
DJBid is an offer or fee quotation made by a DJFree to a DJBuyer for the delivery of a specific DJProject.
DJProgress is where all the communication between DJBuyer and DJFree related to a specific DJProject or DJService is conducted in a private way and where the DJProject/DJService Progress updates.
Commencement of the Job means either the purchase of a DJService by the DJBuyer or acceptance of a DJBid for a DJProject by the DJBuyer.
Job means a piece of work that a DJFree and DJBuyer agree via DonnaJobs is to be provided by the DJFree to the DJBuyer. Job refers to work either agreed when the DJBuyer purchases a DJService, or when a DJBid by a DJFree is accepted by the DJBuyer for a DJProject.
DJPot is your non-interest-bearing deposit account.
User Content means all Content uploaded, submitted, distributed, or posted to the services by Users, including without limitation, DJBid and communication via the DJProgress. User Content does not include any materials or deliverables, or intellectual property therein arising from a Job, which shall be assigned to the DJBuyer on successful payment for the Job. User Content is the sole responsibility of the person who originated it.
Content means such things as data, text, photographs, videos, audio clips, written posts and comments, graphics, User content and interactive features generated, provided, or otherwise made accessible on or through DonnaJobs.
Escrow Account (Incoming/Outgoing Escrow Payments) is a non-interest-bearing deposit account where DJBuyer deposit the money on the Commencement of the Job (DJProject or DJService) and DJFree receives it. The money is released only under this Terms&Conditions.
Invoice means a bill provided by DonnaJobs to DJBuyer and or to DJFree for the use of the Platform or either the bill provided by DJFree to DJBuyer for the Job done.
Stripe: for the management of all financial activities, DonnaJobs uses STRIPE, the best platform for managing online payments in complete safety.
Dispute is a discussion raised in relation to a rejected Payment or a rejected Refund Request.
DonnaJobs means the website with the domain name,,,,, www.donnajobs.could or DonnaJobs Limited and DonnaJobs, we, us, our, her, hers are synonymous.