DonnaJobs' Blog

DonnaJobs Blog

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DonnaJobs' Blog

Welcome to the DonnaJobs ’ BLOG, the DJBLOG.
Here you will find all the news from the world of DonnaJobs.
We will tell you more about the freelancers who are behind the scenes working on the platform and all about their talents.
DonnaJobs helps women starting or progressing in their careers independently, allowing them to have a better balance between work and family life.
On there is a space for buyers to find the most suitable freelancers, ready to carry out their work projects.
The professional world is changing. 
Be part of this change for the better.

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Best Wishes from

Best Wishes from

This has been a special, unique, unexpected and tough year.

There have been so many sudden and simultaneous changes that have affected us all. As always so many emotions can be inspired when changes happen so suddenly. 

At DonnaJobs, we believe that they can be a decisive push for a profound transformation towards who we really are and what we really want. 

We can be the change we want to see in the world!


Best wishes from all the DonnaJobs staff

Winter Solstice

As the Romans used to say, twice a year at specific times the sun stops. Hence the word solstice, when to astronomers the sun seems to stop, reaching its maximum or minimum point of declination.

Today at 10:02am GMT, to be exact, we enter the Winter Solstice, which marks the transition from autumn to winter.

Nature, in its never-ending cyclical metamorphosis, goes into retreat until it freezes. Trees that have long since begun to lose their leaves, become completely bare. The beauty of previous seasons seems to have vanished and everything gives the impression of being asleep. Temperatures drop significantly. The climate hardens until it freezes, giving the impression of life stopping. Everything slows. Winter nights are long, cold and very dark.

Some animals hibernate, adopting this as a survival strategy if they live in cold, hard environments that can no longer offer them food as in other seasons. Starting a few months before hibernation, they prepare their cosy burrows and make sure to have plenty of energy to cope with a long rest period where their vital functions will be reduced to a bare minimum. the whole article 👇👇👇...

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Do you know what holistic marketing is? And what it does?

The Holistic Marketing

Do you know what holistic marketing is? And what it does?

To understand #holisticmarketing we should start with a definition of #marketing first, which has been used in the everyday language for some years now.

The English word marketing is used internationally. Deriving, obviously, from the word market it involves a process that takes into account the short, medium and long term objectives of a company and after a careful and thorough analysis of supply and demand on the one hand and of competitors on the other, identifies the needs of both existing and potential customers and implements appropriate actions to meet these needs, making the maximum possible profit in financial terms.

Four key factors for a perfect marketing strategy are also known as the 4Ps of marketing.

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Palming for those who work on the computer

How to save your eyes from prolonged computer screen use

One of the downsides of prolonged computer screen use in #workingfrom home is straining our #eyes.

Here is a new technique which is easy to do but very effective to rest your eyes: PALMING.

#palming is a technique borrowed from yoga.

It is an exercise that only takes a few minutes but if practised regularly it helps relieve eye fatigue and leaves your eyes feeling fresh and restored.

You can use this technique and repeat the exercise several times a day whenever you feel the need.


... Click to read the whole article 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 ...

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#Workingfromhome certainly has many advantages but it is not always easy to manage our time and prepare ourselves for working from home efficiently.

#Workingfromhome does not mean getting up any time we like, dragging things out, prioritising tasks other than work or dedicating the time we have left over from house chores or errands to work.

Here are 10 simple but effective tips that we at #donnajobs have found for you to make working from home more manageable.


To start the day well, you need to plan ahead. You can do that the night before or as soon as you wake up in the morning, the important thing is to plan things in detail and as realistically as possible. For instance, do not try and do all the outstanding things that you should have done in the past few months in a single day. This is simply not feasible and you risk discouraging yourself and not getting what you wanted from the day. Make a detailed timetable instead and indicate the various priorities and deadlines. Set the work goals you want to achieve on that day and the amount of time you need to accomplish them. List everything you have to do in your daily program, not only work tasks but also house chores, school runs, laundry, supermarket shopping, taking the dog for a walk, watering the plants, etc. Don’t forget to include some breaks and also decide when to stop working and how to best spend the rest of the day.

Good organisation is key to carrying out not only your work tasks, but all your other commitments as well.

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You can learn anything you want with our DJFREE

Online Classes

The web is changing the way we #learn and undertake #professionaldevelopment

There is always a reason to learn something new. For, #studying purposes, when looking for a new #job, for our children, for fun.

On you can find professional #freelancers, both Italian and British women, called DJFREE, who provide #onlineclasses for various sectors and subjects.

Would you or your children like to learn a foreign language? Would you like to give your partner a thoughtful but useful gift? Do you want an employee to learn how to use social media more efficiently for work purposes? Would you like to learn how to sew, paint or cook?

Whatever it is that you want to learn, now you can!

Comfortably from your home, your office or whatever space you might choose, you can attend personalised classes that interest you.

You can choose a DJFREE that is able to supervise and personalise your classes and learning objectives. You can choose a native speaker for Foreign Language lessons or get in touch with an expert tutor/teacher In the subject or sector you are interested in.

... Click below to read the whole article 👇👇👇 ....

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WHY CHOOSE DONNAJOBS.COM is a website that allows you to hire the best #freelancers, both Italian and British, for various types of #remoteworking projects.

And it is not just any site. It has a very special mission based on a great philosophy that places attention given to people first.

All the freelancers on the platform are women of great experience and values. They express themselves in their own way through our virtual space that allows them to demonstrate their best through presentations or videos. They can offer personalized services ranging across a wide variety of sectors, from architecture to graphics, from copy writing to administration, from the creation of green events to holistic consultancy. Buyers can use these services to find something different that, of course, corresponds to their ideas and needs.

So what are the advantages for buyers on the whole article 👇👇👇...

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Carry out your projects now

Do you have a project that needs carrying out?

We often have ideas that we want to bring to fruition but do not know how to go about it, be they work ideas, personal projects, hobbies or a passion. is such an interesting website because it can help you carry these ideas forward, from asking for quotes to using the various services that freelancers offer. Ever more people are using the DonnaJobs platform to help make their dreams come true.

Here are some interesting examples.

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DonnaJobs helps you to reconcile work and family life

How to reconcile work and family life

In a world that goes ever faster and requires greater levels of commitment and responsibility, one of the most difficult things is balancing work and private life.

Sometimes it just seems like a race against the clock. Work often takes up the majority of our hours at the expense of time with family and loved ones. For #workingwomen things get considerably more complicated what with home, shopping, school - if you have children, other daily chores and work commitments. the whole article 👇👇👇...

Read  more and your unlimited abilities and your unlimited abilities

One of the reasons why came into being in cyberspace is to give voice to the countless talents of women. was designed specifically for all those women who want to work autonomously, independently and without excluding anyone, indeed with the opposite objective - that is to be inclusive of all women by looking solely at their abilities. is a platform designed for remote-working, to facilitate work with a device and internet access from home or from wherever you wish. This way, all physical barriers are overcome, which not only facilitates work in general but also allows those who have physical impairments, be they temporary or permanent, to have their own professional independence... the whole article...👇👇👇

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To believe in yourself!

It sounds so easy to say, but it's one of the hardest things to do.

For a woman it is even more so ...

There are so many courses, books, videos that talk about how to achieve that special skill of believing in yourself. Often with little success ...

Even from a young age school, society and the world that surrounds us do not help us in expressing who we really are but push us to conform to others as much as possible. They tell us what we should learn, how to express ourselves appropriately, the right clothing to wear and even what job we should do to earn the most money. the whole article...👇

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This is your year


Best wishes! Happy New Year!

Of course we haven’t made a mistake, we know it is September not 1st January...

So why are we wishing you a Happy new year then?

Because for us, like for schools, the new year begins in ... September.

After the summer break, we get back to work and we start with new work projects and ideas.

Moreover given the current health emergency, the times we are living through lend themselves to deep and careful reflections on the changes underway, above all work-related ones. Lots of people have lost their jobs and now more than ever they need to reinvent themselves professionally. And even more people have long hidden dreams on the backburner that they finally want to fulfill...

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Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

Since the beginning of the time, the evolution of humanity and every step of the life process were closely linked to the course of the year.


On the 22nd of September, we witness the transition from summer to autumn and we celebrate the #autumnequinox, where the duration of the day is almost equal to that of the night.


Along the zodiacal belt, the Sun enters the sign of Libra, thus starting a new cycle.


The leaves from that bright green of summer begin to turn yellow until they detach from the trees and fall at their feet. Fruits also detach and leave their wrappers. And the seeds are selected to be consumed or stored. Later they will be planted again in the earth to give new fruits and perpetuate the cycle of life which in this way is renewed. (Read the full article ....)


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International Women's Day 2020 #EachforEqual

DonnaJobs IWD2020

International Women's Day 2020

8th of March

#EachForEqual - An Equal World is an Enabled World.

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Merry Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas 2019




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Work Life Balance to Empower Women

"Work Life Balance to Empower Women"

Nancy Aharpour will present, in a web conference, the opportunities of this platform during the Ladies First event "Work-Life Balance to Empower Women" that will take place on the 15th of July in Rome.

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