How to reconcile work and family life

In a world that goes ever faster and requires greater levels of commitment and responsibility, one of the most difficult things is balancing work and private life.

Sometimes it just seems like a race against the clock. Work often takes up the majority of our hours at the expense of time with family and loved ones. For #workingwomen things get considerably more complicated what with home, shopping, school - if you have children, other daily chores and work commitments. the whole article 👇👇👇...

However, it is important to claw back time for yourself and above all to devote some attention to the things you particularly care about.

Life must be lived to the full and it is essential to enjoy every moment of the day: time spent with our children, our life partners, our friends and those we have working relationships with. was created by those who have experienced the worry of juggling work and family. It was founded with the aim of helping women to resolve the enigma that often torments our lives – ‘Do I choose family or do I develop my career?’ - and to ensure that we do not have to give up one for the other.

This is why offers something extra - because it has developed as a result of practical problems and so provides the necessary tools to transform the impossible into the possible. has women at its core and wants to give all of us the opportunity to be increasingly independent and to develop the countless talents we have.

All the women on the platform, with their profiles and the services that they offer, have the opportunity to be contacted directly through the site by professionals, individuals or companies, who want to make use of their skills to carry out their projects. This means you can significantly increase your client base and offering while working according to your needs to ensure you complete projects within the agreed deadlines.

If you would like to tell us how you manage to balance your professional and family lives and how is helping you in this difficult task, get in touch with the

Your testimonial could help millions of women in their professional careers and private lives.

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Arianna Maccafferri



Translated by >> Arianna Maccaferri <<

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