March 15, 2019 - #StrikeForFuture - #FridaysForFuture

StrikeForFuture#StrikeForFuture - #FridaysForFuture

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swedish girl who is changing the future of our planet, and with her protest, she is forcing the whole world to listen to her.

On 20 August 2018 she decided not to go to school until the following 9 September, when there would be Sweden general election, she wanted her country to adhere to the Paris agreement on climate change and reduce emissions of carbon.

From that date on, every Friday she continued to strike with the slogan #FridaysForFuture and a student movement is born, which is quickly joined by students and young people, as well as adults all over the world.  


On March 15, 2019 a worldwide strike was called to raise awareness among the governments of the planet to act in favour of the Paris agreement for the creation of a better future for all of us, not just for a few, as Greta states in her speech to the COP24 conference in Katowice last December. I invite you to listen to the words of this talented girl.

The complete list of all the world cities where the event will take place can be consulted at the following link:

Greta in her speech denounces the adults for not doing enough for our planet for the fear of unpopularity and that we are never too young to make a difference.

DonnaJobs in its "small" supports the planet by encouraging #WorkFromHome which in turn has a series of immeasurable benefits:

  • you do not use your own car or public transport for moving to and from work, so you are reducing the use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions, thus improving air quality;
  • less commuting, less traffic consequently a smaller number of accidents;
  • #WorkFromHome saves a considerable time that can be used to spend more time with children, family, for yourself;
  • if you have more time for yourself you are more satisfied and happier;
  • the energy consumption of office equipment is greater than in domestic ones, once again #WorkFromHome gives a global advantage.

👉🏻March 15, 2019 DonnaJobs will be there, and you?

👉🏻Consult the map of events and choose the one closest to you.

👉🏻We are one people, we all share the same planet!

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