How DonnaJobs works for DJFree

Support Team


Register your account for FREE NOW! Only Register User can buy&sell on DonnaJobs.

Once you have registered you can create your profile (DJProfile) in order to attract more buyers, find the best project (DJProject) suited to your professionalism and as soon as you become a DJTrusted Member you can send your quotes (DJBid) for open projects or you can sell your DJService(s).

DonnaJobs’ DJTrusted Member Policy ensures a safe marketplace for all users by confirming their identity through documentation collection.

DonnaJobs does not tolerate FAKE PROFILE!

This helps to prevent fraud, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism.

Once you become a DJTrusted Member follow these simple steps.

djfree workflow


Once you have become a DJTrusted Member you can place your DJBid. Just Browse & Find the right DJProject. Read carefully the description and what the DJBuyer requires, click on the "Place you DJBid" Button and write your offer.


Once you have won the DJProject, accepted the Job and the DJBuyer has deposited the agreed amount in your Escrow Account, you can start to work at the DJProject.

Daily update your progress and exchange the necessary information with the DJBuyer using the DJProgress Area of the DJProject.


Once the DJProject is finished, you have to send to the DJBuyer your invoice posting it in the DJProgress and deliver the DJProject to him/her.

Lately, you can Raise a Request for Release Funds. DJBuyer will release the money and the DJProject is Done!


Now you are asked to Rate the DJBuyer. This is a very important step for you and for the other users of the DonnaJobs’ platform, so think about it carefully and be honest, be truthful, be concise.


If you need help and you can't find what you're looking for in these guides, you can contact the Support Team by opening a ticket on topics such as: your account, DJProject, DJService, Transactions and Currencies, etc. or write an email to



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