How to rate the DJBuyer

Support Team


After you have received the agreed payment you are asked to leave a qualitative review and a rating of 1 to 5 the DJBuyer.

This score influences the ranking of each user on DonnaJobs.

The review is published in the user's profile and is publicly visible.

To leave your feedback:

  1. Login in to your account
  2. Click on DJService >> Service Sold
    rate DJBuyer
  3. Click on the "Rate DJBuyer" button
  4. Leave your rating
  5. Click on the "Submit" button
    Rate DJBuyer


If you need help and you can't find what you're looking for in these guides, you can contact the Support Team by opening a ticket on topics such as your account, DJProject, DJService, Transactions, and Currencies, etc. or write an email to



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